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Syracuse Kung Fu Downtown

"Nullify the Unexpected"

Do you know what the improved you looks like? Find out by training Hung Ga Kung Fu at our downtown Syracuse location. Kung Fu's modern evolution is much more than mere self-defense; the holistic benefits of the training will improve every part of your life in profound ways.

Change Your Life

In the workplace, at a business meeting, or being social with friends, Hung Ga Kung Fu will provide you an elevated sense of confidence and level-headedness, with rock-solid and resolute self-esteem. Enjoy an immutable self-confidence and make great new friends.​

Meet the New You 


Enrollment in Kung Fu succeeds where fitness clubs and gym memberships fail. Kung Fu training provides advanced training that is more than just a workout. It's an institution of higher learning, and this factor overcomes the plateauing of motivation, as there are always expanded goals to achieve. With a warm, family-type atmosphere and a new Kung Fu family to go with it, you will smash all of your goals and objectives. With us you will find your permanent health and fitness solution.

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Increase Focus - Relieve Stress 


Our Kung Fu training is a proven method of increasing focus and managing stress. We define Peace as the ability to keep centered when the world around you is chaotic. It takes POWER to be calm, and Hung Ga Kung Fu is all about developing different types of Power. There is the power to smash through your fears and hangups, the power to maintain a laser-like focus to achieve your goals, the power to remain unmoved by outside distractions. These and many more you will possess; your mind and body will become stronger, faster, and more solid, sensitive, and attentive.

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Gain Your Desired Discipline


Possessing an unwavering discipline is essential for meeting all your objectives. What helps you to successfully resist the urge to procrastinate? Self-Discipline does. It is the cornerstone of achievement. But self-discipline is not a proxy for self-torture or self-denial. Learning to obey the orders of your Higher Self can be a fun and pleasurable pursuit, and training Hung Ga Kung Fu gives you the power of self-defense: defense against your Lower Self.

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A Fun & Uplifting Environment


Here at Syracuse Kung Fu we understand the importance of a great training and learning environment. Our school's atmosphere enables you to push yourself beyond your limits and attain your goals safely, while being supported and rightly-guided. Our staff of certified instructors and student body are outstanding human beings that look forward to welcoming you into our school; the Upstate New York headquarters is a member of one of the most prestigious martial arts associations in the world.

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Learn from the Masters

Sifu Sharif Bey is 4th generation from China's hero, Wong Fei Hung, and a direct disciple of Grand Master Frank Yee. At Syracuse Kung Fu, we provide highly qualified instructors from a verified and authentic lineage of Kung Fu masters.



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